Prof. dr. Aaldert H. Wapstra

Prof. dr. Aaldert Wapstra

24th of April 1922 - 3rd of December 2006

Aaldert Wapstra became a full professor in 1955 at the department of experimental physics at the Technical University in Delft. On the 18th of March 1963 Wapstra entered the board of the IKO -which would later become known as Nikhef- as the scientific director of nuclear spectroscopy. In 1971 he succeeded to Van Lieshout as a director. He fulfilled this function till 1982. In 1987 he retired.

Wapstra is renown for his work on the "Atomic Mass Evaluation", together with his colleague Audi. For this work he obtained the SUNAMCO medal of the IUPAP in September 2004.

The ceremony of cremation will be held Friday the 8th of December at 2 pm in Aula 2 at the "Amersfoort" crematorium located at Dodeweg 31 in Amersfoort - Leusden. After the ceremony all will have the opportunity to present their condolences to the family in the meeting room of the crematorium.